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R D S Retraction صعوبه التنفس

R D S ( Retraction )

  Definition: -

 Retractions are signs that the infant is working hard to breath.

-Normally when the infant take breath the diaphragm and the muscles around ribs create a vacuum that pull air into the lung.But if the infant has trouble in breathing, extra muscles kick into action and the use of these extra muscles result in retractions Types of retractions:
subcostal retraction: inward movement of the abdomen just below the rib cage 

               intercostal retraction: inward movement of the skin between the ribs
Complication of retraction:   muscles fatiguerespiratory failure
Treatment of retraction:
Nasal cannula (1-2 L/h) and may using cpap device.    
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R D S Retraction صعوبه التنفس Reviewed by كتاب تمريض حديثى الولاده on سبتمبر 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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